Desh Khojdai Janda/In Search of a Nation


According to the UNHCR there are 51.2 million people forcibly displaced across the world. Among them, an estimated 100.000 – 120.000 refugees are from Bhutan, living in camps in Nepal. Filmed in a refugee camp and based on true stories of Bhutanese refugees, Desh Kojdai Janda asks: how can the nation of Bhutan claim peace and happiness when it generated one of the highest amounts of refugees worldwide?

Prakash Angdembe (DIRECTOR)

Angdembe was born in Sarnamati, Jhapa, Nepal and raised in Dharan, at the age of 22, he came to Damak, Jhapa and became a theatrical director and owner of the Gantabya Theater. In 2007, he directed Cho:Lung.

He has also worked as a film director with Line Cross Movies, and as an actor and writer, he is also an accomplished photographer, having exhibited his photos in the Netherlands, Nepal and Bhutan. In 2011, his photos appeared at Creatief Warenhuis HOOP.

Angdembe works with the youth of the Bhutanese refugee camps and the youth of Darjeeling;[3] in 2011, he was a facilitator at Journalism and Creative Writing training, by Youth Friendly Centre (YFC), Caritas Nepal.

Genre: Drama   
Country: Nepal
Runtime: 109 Min
Director: Prakash Angdembe
Language(s): Nepali
Subtitles: English
Dates & Times: May 20, 2018,  7:30 PM
Plays In:  AFI Silver Theater