The film is an intimate portrayal of Sabitri – a household name among theatre enthusiasts. She is addressed as “Ima”, mother. The figure of the mother, who is a teacher, a partner, a daughter…a woman, weaves a range of events, on and off the stage. Shot over a period of three years, the film explores inspirations behind a vibrant and original theatre company. Moments of celebrations, crisis, and the desire for continuity are portrayed as they unfold.
Genre: Documentary
Country: India
Runtime: 57 Min
Director: Bobo Khuraijam
Language(s): Manipuri
Subtitles: English
Dates & Times: May 19, 2018, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Plays In: Regal Hyattsville Royale Stadium 14 | Auditorium : 5