Djam, a young Greek woman, is sent to Istanbul by her uncle Kakourgos, a former sailor and passionate fan of Rebetiko, on a mission to find a rare engine part for their boat. There she meets Avril, 19, who came from France to volunteer with refugees, ran out of money, and knows no one in Turkey. Generous, sassy, unpredictable and free, Djam takes Avril under her wing on the way to Mytilene—a journey made of music, encounters, sharing and hope.
Genre: Drama
Country: France, Greece, Turkey
Runtime: 97 Min
Director: Tony Gatlif
Language(s): French, Greek, Turkish
Subtitles: English
Dates & Times: May 19, 2018, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Plays In: Regal Hyattsville Royale Stadium 14 | Auditorium : 2